Electric power: 110VAC/220VAC
Max. Output power: 5kW
Detector size: Mercu 0909F (iRay)
Resolution: 2.5lp/mm
Actie Matrix: 1024 x 1024 pixels
Pixel pitch: 205μm
Removable grid: Yes
Active area: 210 x210mm
Interface: 1G Ethernet
KV range: Spot / Pulse 40~125kV
Continuity 40~110Kv
mA range: Continuous: 6.3mA
Pulsed: 32mA
Digital spot: 100mA
ms range: 10~1600ms
mAs range: 0.2~100mAs
X-ray Tube
Type: Rotating
Focal spots: 0.3/0.6mm
SID: 1000mm
Free space in arc: 784mm
Depth in arc: 640mm
Orbital rotation: 150° (117°/-33°)
Lateral rotation: 360° (±180°)
Wig/wag: ±15°
Horizontal travel: 200mm
Vertical travel: 400mm
15.6” monitor on the main unit
24” monitor on the trolley
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