Technique Specifications
Physical Specifications
Dimensions: 70*85*140cm
Weight: 65kg
Casters: Front wheels with lock
Screen: 12.1 inch LCD
Working Specifications
Power: AC 220V±10%,50Hz±2%
Pipeline Supply
Gas configuration: O2, N2O, Air
Pipeline input range: 280-600kPa
Battery Power
Run-time: ≥180 mins
Pre-setting Functions
Language: English
Calibration: Automatic
Patient range: Adult/ Pediatric
Ventilator Specifications
Modes of Ventilation
VCV: Volume Controlled Ventilation
SIMV-V: Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation-Volume
SIMV-P: Synchronized intermittent Mandatory Ventilation-Pressure
MANUAL: Manual
A/C: Assist /control Ventilation
PCV: Pressure Control Ventilation
PSV: Pressure Support Ventilation
Ventilator Parameter
Working type: Electronic control, pneumatic driven
Tidal Volume range: 20-1500ml
Pressure range: 5-60 cmH2O
Rispriation rate range: 1-100 bpm (1-40bpm under SlMV)
l:E range: 4:1-1:8
Ptrigger range: -20-20 cmH2O (based on PEEP)
Flow trigger: 0-15L
Minute volume range: >18L/Min
SlGH range: 0-5/100
System Standard
Hypoxic guard system: N2O cut-off valve, O2 concentration >25%
Safety valve: <12.5kPa
Fresh gas compensation: 25-75L/min
Volume of CO2 absorber: 2L
Flow meter: 5 tubes, Cascade 0.1-15L/min O2
0.1-15L/min N2O,0.1-15L/min air
Vaporizer: 2 Selectetac, maximum 2 mounts
Display graphics: Waveforms of P-T, F-T, V-T, loops of P-V,V-F,F-P(Zoom in/out, comparison, freeze)
Types: VT, MV, BPM, Paw, Lung compliance, Inspiratory Platform,FiO2
Alarm Limits
Audio/Visual: No tidal volume.MV,Paw, FiO2 limitation O2
Air failure, AC power failure, Battery low
Type: Integrated, Electronic control
Range: OFF, 3-30cmH2O
1.AGSS: Anesthetic Gas Scavenging Systems
2.Suction Unit
3.Communication interface: Ethernet, USB, VGA
4.Auxiliary Oxygen meter

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