In Sept 2021, I received an request for quotation on Digital Mammography from an experienced purchaser in Spain. He is looking for a high-image Mammography X-ray.
After knowing his requiement of the machine, I recommend him
YSXM-550 with an upgraded a-Se flat panel detector. Since it is a big project, the client would like us to operate and introduct the machine by Whatsapp Video Call live with them.
The live chat went smoothly and they thought the image good, which met their needs.
After the face to face talk, we became more and more reliable to each other. The payment came after 3 days.
On 10 November, they received the machine and after the installation,they started the breast check for their client.
After nearly one month, I came back to ask for the feedback which can help us improve our machine quality. They were so satisfied and thought the software was user-friendly.
They would like to buy another new Ultracound for breast check in the next year once the fund received. We are their trusting first choice.
We are so glad that our product can help doctor diagnose. For both of us, it is win-win.